The good news is that Husband just graduated with both of his master's degrees two weekends ago:
The badder (okay....I know it's not a word) part of the bad news, though, is that because we found out kind of last-minute that we're moving across the country, we haven't had a chance to do the things people normally do when they move across the country like, say, find jobs and a place to live. Or pack. So we're packing now. All while trying to plan a cross-country camping trip and do school work for the 2 classes I'm taking at a school in Missouri on our way to the Promise Land.
If that sounds like a recipe for chaos to you, then I think you'd be right. My main hope is that Husband and I don't kill each other and are still friends by the time we get to where we're going. Nothing like a major cross-country move (especially when one of you has never moved cross-country before) to put a damper on your relationship.
In happier news, my pomatomoi (that's the plural of "pomatomus") are coming along nicely. To try and avoid getting SSS (second sock syndrome) I'm knitting both at the same time. Knit the cuff for one....knit the cuff for the other. Knit the leg for one...knit the leg for the other. I've just finished the gussets of both and now just need to do the feet.
Here's a close-up of one of them: