I've been tagged by Shad Kitty.

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog. Here are my facts:

1) I liked crazy socks even before I could knit.
(stolen from Shad because it's true. Is that against the rules?) In fact, when I need a pair of normal socks it takes a while to find them since I don't own very many.

2) When I was in fifth grade I made a $50 bet with my sister that I'd never get married. I think I still owe her the money. (seriously. The only way for me to win this bet is to die single. How lame is that? I don't think it was a fair bet. I'm not paying on principle)

3) When I was in high school I really wanted color contacts (even though I didn't need glasses at the time) so that I could have purple eyes

4) I also really wanted to pierce my eyebrow (but I didn't)

5) In college I decided I wanted to pierce my nose but before I could do it, my sister did and said it was the most painful things she has ever done so I chickened out....

6) And got a tattoo on the back of my neck instead (in retrospect I wonder if it would have hurt less to get my nose pierced). At least my tattoo doesn't get clogged when I have a cold

7) I don't like chocolate very much. My mother, on the other hand, is TOTALLY addicted to chocolate but I only ever want chocolate once in a very rare while. I usually prefer fruity things.

I tag,
Sassy, Dawn, Joshua, Sarah, Troy, Babette (the one and only founder of BakeSpace), and Lana (who I think may have already done this, but I'm running out of blog friends who haven't done it, so hopefully she won't mind)

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