I will have more info within a few weeks, but I believe I have finally found a location for teaching and filming my culinary school course! It's in Petaluma, California, about 45 minutes north of San Francisco, and home to Aaron Jonas Catering.
Aaron is a friend who used to work with Michele, teaching classes at Viking Home Chef. Many years later, Aaron's sister, Josette, married Michele's brother Kenny. Small world, but I digress. Yesterday I drove up to check out his school and was very impressed. He's got a great space, and has done a beautiful job setting it up for his catering company, as well as his cooking classes.
I put together a very quick slideshow of the space to give you a sneak peek. Stay tuned for more exciting news, especially if you're located in northern California. For more info on Aaron Jonas Catering, and his cooking classes (which are getting rave reviews, by the way) you can contact him at (415) 846-9565, or check out the website at aaronjonascatering.com.
I'm headed off to the gym to start getting in shape for the cameras; you know they add 10 pounds. Also, does anyone know if they still sell that hair spray paint for covering up bald spots? Enjoy the photos!
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