As I worked, I couldn’t help but wonder how a "how to make little hamburgers" video recipe would come off. I'm always afraid of going over that fine line between humorously helpful and annoyingly condescending… "Now we're going to cut the buns in half…see that…through the middle of the bun…I like to use a knife."

I like mine medium-rare, so I did 3 minutes per side in a nice hot pan. As usual with all burgers, resting is imperative. Your times will vary, depending on fat %, pan used, and heat, but after a couple test sliders you'll know exactly how many minutes per side for the perfect petite haché de boeuf. I would explain the physics, but I'm sure you wouldn’t understand it. Enjoy!
Secret Sauce Ingredients:
2 parts mayo
1 part ketchup
1 part mustard
1 part relish
Approximate cooking times:
3 minutes per side: rare to med-rare
4 minutes per side: medium
5 minutes per side: med-well to well
View the complete recipe