A puppy for Ladybug

Ladybug is my mom's "dog". She's a 6 pound, chocolate brown chihuahua who gets carried everywhere like an accessory. I'm not really a big fan of Ladybug. Mostly because I think she is un-doglike, kind of mean, and also because she's convinced my mom that my dogs want to eat her (so untrue).

But last week my mom put this really pathetic status update on facebook saying that Ladybug is having a false pregnancy. Apparently dogs bodies can trick them into thinking they are pregnant when they aren't. My mom said Ladybug started lactating and was nesting in preparation for a puppy that she wasn't going to have.

As much as I dislike my mom's dog, this really did break my little heart. So I made her a surrogate puppy since she won't be getting a real one. I don't know if the fake puppy is really going to help much, but I figured it wouldn't hurt.

I found a pattern online here. I think the pattern assumes you know how to make amigurumis already and skips explanatory steps like stuffing, cutting yarn and sewing pieces together BUT it was free and I could figure it out between the directions and the pictures (made the head much smaller than the pattern called for, though).

Anyway, without further ado, here is "Firefly", Ladybug's surrogate puppy.

(the dog posing with Firefly isn't ladybug, but my 14 pound toy poodle / chihuahua mix, Jack)

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