A tale of two loaves: Cinnamon Raisin Bread

I've been on a cinnamon bread kick lately. I've been working with this super amazingly tasty recipe from Money Saving Mom.

I've got this idea in my head that I want to make a super awesome cinnamon swirl bread that I can use to make french toast with.

So far, while I have made some serioiusly tasty bread, I haven't quite gotten to french toast bread yet.

My first loaf went about like this:

1) Follow the instruction to make dough in bread machine

2) Roll out dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon, organic sugar, raisins and drizzle with honey:

3) Roll up and put in pan:

4) Bake for 30 minutes at 350:

5) Cut open:

6) Frown.

The bread looked beautiful on the outside but there was this huge hole inside. Don't get me wrong. The bread was delightfully gooey and sweet and tasty. But not quite solid enough to hold up to make french toast with.  The end of the loaf was less airy:
But at the end of the day, this is not french toastable bread. I theorized that the sugar and raisins and filling weighted the layers down as it baked.

Round 2:

1) Follow the instruction to make dough in bread machine. Add Raisins at the appropriate spot as deemed by my bread machine's manual while it was making the dough:

2) Roll out dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon and honey only:

3) Roll up and put in pan

4) Bake for 30 minutes at 350:
(this one puffed up more than the previous loaf, so I though maybe we were getting somewhere)

5) Cut open:

6) Frown

This bread was also exceptionally tasty. Especially when warm slabs were spread with cinnamon honey butter. I was still bummed out about the hole. Though admittedly not as large as the first loaf.  I think I might need to leave some space on the edge of the dough without cinnamon or honey before rolling so the bread seals back together there.  Anyone have any thoughts?  I'll probably try round 3 on Sunday or Monday.

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