Paneer/Cottage Cheese Crescents

I had seen these beauties at Roxana's space and bookmarked it.....a few days ago while pouring milk to boil ....I accidently poured one packet of curd instead of milk into the pan.....two packets of milk plus one packet of curd....all this happened in the morning rush hour....and when my loud oh! nooooo! exclamations came from the kitchen hubby dear looked into the matter....when he heard what should have seen his face....all smiles.....because he loves paneer more than anything mom-in-law used to say that as a young boy...whenever she makes paneer and leave it to set.....Homey used to sneak and have his full of raw the time she comes to cook dinner....there will be only the cloth without the paneer!!!. So you can imagine his happiness when I told him that I poured curd accidently into the milk...I could see the twinkle in his eyes....when I started to turn them into paneer.

Now both my kids don't like when I saw these at Roxana's space I had thought it will be an excellent idea to make my kids have paneer.....and they did love it....thanks Roxana for sharing this lovely recipe.

I got this much paneer from 1 litre milk and 1/2 litre curd.

Recipe Courtesy: Roxana.
Paneer/cottage cheese: About 200 g.
Lukewarm water/milk: 1 cup.
Sugar: 1/2 tbsp.
Instant yeast: 2 tsp.
Olive oil/melted butter: 2 tbsp.
Plain flour: 4 cups.
Salt: 1/2 tsp.

For garnishing: Half beaten egg, chopped coriander leaves or dried herbs, and little garam masala to sprinkle (instead of egg you can also brush with melted butter).

1. I put the paneer into my mixer jar along with the lukewarm water, yeast, oil, salt, sugar and gave it a nice blend. Pour this into the flour.

2. I mixed it with my hand to make it into a smooth dough and let the dough sit for about 1-11/2 hours or until it doubles its size....cover it with a wet cloth. In two steps the dough is ready!!!

3. It doubled up.

4. I divided the dough into two and roll out into a circle. Cut each circle into 8 triangles.

5. Roll it with your finger tips into crescents.

5. Place them on a baking sheets. Leave again to rest at room temperature for 30 min.

6. Meanwhile preheat the oven, just before baking give them an egg wash and sprinkle some chopped coriander leaves and garam masala (or any dry herbs like Roxana did). I wanted to make it Indianised so I opted for coriander leaves/Cilantro and garam masala for the flavour......the result was YUM!!

7. Bake them until golden.

Enjoy with just about anything!!!

Linking this to Bookmarked recipes, Yeast spotting, Whats cookin in the kitchen, Fat Camp FridayDecidedly Healthy or Horridly Decadent Saturday Party) , Made from scratch.

This recipe was featured on Full Plate Thursday...check it out.

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