apothecary jars & damask balls

Inspired by the ever-so-crafty Jen from Craft-O-Maniac, I wanted to make these adorable Mod Podged damask balls. I followed her tutorial, except I used tissue paper instead of napkins. I just cut a strip of paper and if I had some of the ball still showing, I cut a little piece and covered it. Keeping a damp cloth nearby was SO helpful since my hands and sponge handle were covered in Mod Podge. Sadly, I didn't get any photos while I was working on the project.

I found a pack of 12 foam balls and tissue paper at Hobby Lobby. There's so many kinds of paper you could use! So many cute ideas.... Anyway, I love the damask design, and wanted to keep my decorations neutral in color for now until I can decide how I am going to decorate everything else.

After they were dry (rotate the balls around so they won't stick to the plate), I was so happy with the result!! While I was letting them dry, I put my jars together. There's lots of tutorials out there for DIY apothecary jars. I just couldn't find candlestick kits anywhere and didn't have the time to go to goodwill stores to find some. The candlesticks I did find were a little out of my price range, but I am extremely happy with what I found!

So, I bought 2 glass jars with lids, and found some candle stands I really liked and that go with other decorations in my living room. You can use any jars or stands you like, there's so many options out there! To put the jars together, I washed/scrubbed the HECK out of the jars to get the price sticker off. I also cleaned the stand, just to make sure everything would stick properly. Then I put Amazing Goop glue on the bottom of the jar, but only around the edge since the stand is a little concave. Let it sit for a minute or so, then put it on top of the stand and make sure it's straight and level. Then I just let them sit and dry. When the balls were dry, I dropped them into the jars and that's it!
Simple as that!! I love how they look!!

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