But even BPA free plastics aren't totally safe. In fact, some BPA-free plastics are even worse at transferring Estrogen-Affect chemicals that non-BPA plastic. So what's a mom to do? All I want is a cup I can drink from without poisoning myself.
Oh, I have a stainless steel water bottle. But that's hard to use when you are driving a manual shift car, walking, talking on the phone, or doing anything other than standing still and drinking. So I really want a straw, too. And a lid (in case I slosh). And It needs to hold 16-24 ounces because any smaller and I'd be refilling it a lot. I guess I'm kind of picky.
I'm obviously not alone in my jones for a clear, lidded and strawed cup because cups like the one pictured are everywhere....they're just made from the wrong stuff (plastic. yuck). They make ceramic mugs that look like disposable paper and plastic ones for hot drinks...now I just want a clear one for cold drinks. GrassRootsMovement used to make one (it's not very pretty...but it does what I want) but they seem to be out of production.
I have found a whole lot of awesome non-plastic straw options including durable glass straws
Has anyone seen something like what I'm looking for? Does anyone have any friends in the beverage-container-making business? Does a beverage container company want an eager and willing product tester? Let me know what you know!