Loving It: March Desktop Backgrounds

Every month, Lee-Lou blogs makes and shares a free (and super awesome!) desktop background. She usually does two versions : a generic one and a personalizable one.
The image above is the personalized one that I made using Photoshop 7.0 and the Lee-Lou template.  I took a couple recent pictures of my kiddo, ran them through the "sepia tone" action sequence, flattened them (after running through the sepia action, you end up with a 3 layer image), drug them into the template and resized them to fit the openings. Took maybe 20 minutes and that's because I played with a few different photos and arrangements before settling on this one.

A huge thanks to Lee-Lou for sharing these!  I used February's generic background for the first time last month (super cute!) and this was the first time using the customizable one. I'm definitely going to keep checking in each month for your awesome backgrounds.

Check out Lee-Lou's March 2011 backgrounds here.  You can find all of her desktop themes (past and the most current) here.

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