hoo are you?

I found this adorable blog and wanted to participate in their "Hoo Are You?" Tuesday! What a fun way to get to know new people! So, here goes:

1. Do you plant a garden or flowers, or neither?
To put it simply, plants and I don't get along. Meaning I am a plant murderer. If I want flowers, I get fakeys! :)
2. Does it bother you to have your blinds or curtains open after dark so people can see in your house?
My blinds are usually always closed. All the time. Unless I remember to open them. I know I laugh at some people's rooms I see open as we drive by, so I assume others would be doing the same if they saw mine!
3. Do you like to go camping?
Yes!! So fun, but usually more work than I would like it to be. Camping in a cabin or hotel is a lot easier sometimes!!
4. Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer?
My sparkly pink laptop is currently out of commission. I love my iMac!! Would be nice to have a Macbook though...
5. What time during the day do you have your most energy?
As soon as my daughter will take a nap! Usually the only time to get things done!

Ok, now it's your turn! Head on over to Night Owl Crafting and join in every Tuesday!

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