I am proud to say that this last weekend I sewed my very first article of clothing:
the pants-half of an adorable outfit! (the other half to come soon)
Thanks, mom, for helping me out! I love how they turned out!!
This is the pattern I used. It says it's easy, but I am sewing-challenged and needed some extra help. I think the next time I make them it will be easier. I just need more practice :)
Now, on to my little model to show off her new pants!
I still need to add the bows to the bottom, but we will get to that another day.
I love the little faces she makes when she knows she's having her picture taken!!

We went to the park to really test the pants out. She had no problems at all!
I think she may even be able to run faster in these!! Not good... :)
Even after a couple falls, climbing up stairs and sliding down slides, the pants worked great!
Stay tuned for part 2 of this outfit!