Hoo Are You?

Hooray for Tuesday!

1. How often do you wash your vehicle?
Certainly not as often as we would like. For one, we just need to make the time to do it. Two, the car wash scares the crap out of my daughter, so we don't go as often to avoid traumatizing the poor thing!

2. When riding in a car with someone, who usually drives - them or you?
I admit I am not the best driver, I get a little anxiety about it sometimes with all the crazy people out there. My husband is a great driver, so I just let him brave it for me!

3. How many states have you traveled to or through?
hmm... have to think about this one...
I think probably about 12, but I definitely would like to make that number higher! :)

4. What kind of music do you listen to the most?
Technically, probably Mickey Mouse Club House and Bubble Guppies...
But to answer the question, I listen to almost all kinds of music. I really like the Glee soundtracks and P!nk.

5. Do you prefer the window down or air conditioning?
I'm weird. If we are parked, the window down is great! While driving in the car, air conditioning. The wind messing up my hair drives me crazy. It makes my hair all staticky and it bugs me. Wish I could be a little more carefree about 'the wind in my hair,' but nope. Annoying.

Come link up your answers at the party over at Night Owl Crafting! See you there!

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