Awards & Shtuff

I've been so lucky to be given a couple of awards & I just wanted to say thanks!

From Hannah at Daughter By Design

Here's 7 random things about me...
1. I love to watch cooking shows, but I'm not much of a cook.
2. I'm a licensed Pharmacy Tech
3. I'm a complete introvert, but blogging has helped me to meet new people and be more social
4. I've never broken any bones or have been in the hospital, in exception of having a baby
 5. I would love to be fashionable & cute, but that costs a lot of money & I don't know where to start...
6. I get mini panic attacks before using the Silhouette & my sewing machine. I'm afraid of messing everything up!
7. I love scuba diving & hope to go diving in Hawaii & the Caribbean someday!

I'd like to pass this on to these fabulous blogs:

From Christy at Christy's Cuties

10 things that make me happy...
1. My husband - he is my best friend and the best husband! I don't know where I'd be without him. I love that he just gets me & is patient with my craftiness!
2. My daughter - I love her laugh, snuggles, and she has the best sense of humor. Love that girl!
3. Crafting - coming up with ideas, creating things & blogging about it
4. Graphic Design - love coming up with new ideas to create something fantastic & making someone's event/blog special!
5. Reading comments & seeing new followers on my blog (thank you ALL!!)
5. Watching Wipeout!
7. Cruises & vacations with my family
8. Seeing a project turn out better than expected
9. Mint mint chocolate chocolate chip ice cream from Cold Stone
10. Painted toenails and new haircuts

I'd like to pass this on to even more fabulous bloggers:

**On another note: I've been informed that you can still use the code STMMMS37162 to get $10 off the My Memories Suite v.2!! Head on over to and get yours, you'll be glad you did!

**Another random note: On my side bar I added a gadget that I thought might be fun. You can ask me any questions you want, maybe even suggest post topics you'd like to see, or just ask whatever's on your mind! Could be fun.. we'll see... :)

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