Hoo Are You?

Wow, it's Tuesday again already?

Time for a little...
Here we go!

1. Are you enjoying the summertime?
Yes!! It's been so fun spending time with my daughter outside now that she's getting old enough to enjoy it, too! It's been pretty fun so far.

2. What activities have you done this last week?
I've been pretty busy with my business lately, but also spent time with my little family by going swimming in my aunt's pool, went to a Howard Jones concert, played on almost every "wheee" (aka slide) we pass by and coming up with lots more craft ideas!

3. What types of food do you tend to eat more of in the summer?
Ice cream and snow cones! We love them! I've really enjoyed having more strawberries, watermelon and tasty treats at all the summer get-togethers!

4. How much time are you spending outside?
Probably not as much as I should, but I've been busy with my business and sometimes it's nice to spend time inside when it's too hot outside. We do love playing at the park all the time, swimming and getting out to go do fun things as a family!

5. Are there any fun projects you are working on inside or outside your house?
Ohhh yes! Lots of inside projects, the list keeps growing!! So excited for some of the bigger projects I have in mind!

Come on over to Night Owl Crafting and join in on the fun!

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