Inspiration Workshop: Pamper Yourself

Lately I've been going on non-stop. My schedule is usually full from morning until late at night. Whether that's housework, playing with the little one, taking care of my husband, working or blogging, I really enjoy the short moments of "me" time.

 It's the little things that make the difference, like...

*Painting my nails* a new, fresh color. It just makes me feel a little prettier that day.
(FYI, these aren't my toes...)

*Hair cuts*
Love the feeling of a new look (I recently chopped mine off, pixie style! Love it!)
and I really love coloring it, so fun to change things up!

*Buying mama a new pair of shoes*
Love me some shoes... Seriously.

*Crafting* and thinking of new, fun ideas!
That's why this blog exists, because I love being creative and seeing a project come to life from just a little idea in my head.

*Reading a good book*
Now, this is a rare occasion. I love to read!
Nice to get away from real life and dive into a good book.

*Graphic design* (see crafting...)
I love getting new projects to work on! I really enjoy coming up with new ideas and putting my ideas on paper for others to share. I love my business, I love that I can do it because I enjoy it - not because I have to! When I am working, I lose track of time and I even surprise myself sometimes with ideas I come up with - for both my design projects and crafting.
Designing just makes me happy.

Now, these are rare. I love going on cruises, that's the best way to travel in my opinion!
Next year we plan on going to Hawaii - especially now that I am certified to scuba, I can't wait!!

Last, but certainly not least...
*Spending time with my husband*
He makes me laugh, makes me feel special and I just love being with him!
I am always looking forward to spending time together.

Well, that's enough about me. Back to work!
Come join in the party over at Gussy Sews!
Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

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