Pizza Pockets

Easy meals - that's one of my favorite things! I openly admit that I am not one of the most patient or talented cooks, but I do like creating something simple & delicious. Not to mention making food that even my husband loves!

This idea came from my childhood, my mom would make us homemade pizza all the time, and once in a while we would change things up and make out own personal pizzas and called them "Pizza Pockets." Add your own favorite toppings, or in my case, keeping it as simple as possible! Super easy, and super fun - especially for the kids!

Here's how to make your own:

Use your own dough recipe or use frozen roll dough. Grease your pan and place 2 rolls together for each pocket. Cover with greased plastic wrap and let thaw and rise according to package directions (unless using fresh dough, skip the thawing step).

Take two dough balls/one pocket and spread apart with fingers on lightly floured surface.
Doesn't have to be a perfect circle, just circle or oval shape. Make sure to patch any holes.

Spread small amount of pizza sauce in center and add your toppings, enough for one serving.
I used 4 pepperoni and a small amount of cheese. Add as much or as little as you'd like, but be careful not to overfill.

Fold dough over and pinch all the edges closed. If you get a hole, patch it up the best you can. Make sure you have the edges sealed! You could even seal it closed with a little egg white, but it's not required.

Arrange pizza pockets on greased pan, try to give them a little extra space in between because they tend to grow when baked. Brush tops with melted butter, Italian seasoning and garlic powder/salt.

Bake for 12-15 minutes at 350° or until golden brown.
Add another layer of your butter/seasoning/garlic mixture if desired.

Plate up your pockets and enjoy!!

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