Hoo Are You?

Hoooooray for Tuesday!

Let's get this party started!

1. If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass on to your children, what would it be?
Luckily, my daughter already has my sense of humor. She loves to play tricks & make people laugh!!

2. What's your favorite candy bar?
hmmm... probably Twix - frozen, please!!

3. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be?
This is a tough one, there's so many places I want to see. I really want to go on a cruise to the Caribbean, and would also love to visit England & Scotland someday.

4. What 3 adjectives would you use to describe yourself?
imaginative, amusing, understated

5. In one word, how would your best friend describe you?

Head on over to Night Owl Crafting & join in on the fun!

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