Hoo Are You?

It's Tuesday again...Hooooo-ray!
Here we go!

1. Do you exercise regularly and what do you do?
Regularly? Um... no. I have good intentions, but I don't make it to the gym as often as I would like.
Does chasing a hyper 19 month-old around, walking around stores while grocery shopping and cleaning the house count? Feels like a workout most days.

2. Do you have any weird sleeping habits?
I need to have 2 pillows. If I only have one, I fold it in half. I love when it's freezing in the room, and I can snuggle with a blanket. I also look forward to going to sleep (besides the obvious reason) because I have very vivid, and very entertaining dreams. They are like a full movie sometimes! I may have woken myself up from laughing a few times... Yeah, I'm weird like that.

3. How often do you vacuum?
Honestly, not as often as I should. My daughter is terrified of the vacuum, and I don't want to traumatize her and be responsible later in life for her therapy sessions...

4. Do you accessorize and if so what is your favorite thing to accessorize with?
I don't use a lot of accessories, though it's not because I don't necessarily want to. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really great with styling... :( My ears are sensitive, so I don't wear earrings all that often. I have a beautiful necklace I just won from LoveStitched, I love wearing it! I also have some necklaces my brother sent me from Hawaii that I love to wear.

5. What is your favorite drink during the summertime?
hmmm... I always love cold Throwback Mt Dew, but a drink that reminds me of summer is homemade root beer. My Grandpa would always make that at our family get-togethers during the summer. Brings back lots of great memories and it's so yummy!!

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