Pinteresting Features n' Shtuff

I'm trying to get my schedule a little more organized, so I've decided Sunday is my Pinterest features n' shtuff day! Yes, I am aware that Sunday is pretty much over... oh well.

Anyway, I spend a lot of time (probably too much, I do have over 3000 pins... yikes) pinning inspirational projects, funny pictures, or awesome quotes. So, I figured I might as well give a shout out to a few of my favorite ones I've pinned over the past week.

If you haven't been on Pinterest yet or need an invite,
send me your email address and I would love to get you addicted send you an invitation.

Here we go!

These look so fun!! What a great idea!

I've been wanting to make a cute skirt like this! Love it.

Chicken wire lawn ghosts!
Incredibly, awesomely, creepy.

One of the most amazing rainbow cakes I have ever seen!

Star Wars + Finger Puppets = Perfection.

Magnetic mail organizer made from a cereal box - brilliant!!

These shoes are fantastic, and not JUST because they're zebra.
They are zebra duct tape!! Genius.

Pretty sure this is the coolest wedding cake I have ever seen...

and last (for today, anyway), but certainly not least:
Ham Solo. 
{my mom is going to love this.}

See you next week for more Pinterest Features n' Shtuff!

Follow my boards if you want. Or not.
You'll still find some pretty sweet things to pin.

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