Today I'm going to share my tutorial inspired by Flamingo Toes for a fun, fluffy
Halloween Wreath!

Cute, right? Well, at least I think so...

12 inch wreath form, any type will work great
Tulle - I used about 2 rolls
Feather boa
Decoration of some kind {this is optional}

Step 1: Cut strips of tulle about 16-17 inches long. Lots of strips. Lots. Keep cutting strips, even if you think you have enough.

Step 2: Start tying! Wrap the strip around the wreath and tie in a double knot, keeping the ends even.
I used two strips at a time because I could see the wreath through the tulle. The one on the left is doubled, the one on the right is single.

Step 3: Tie strips close together, covering the wreath underneath. Tie in extra strips if necessary to cover any "holes".

Step 4: Tie tulle strips on until you can no longer see the wreath form.

Step 5: Next, carefully hot glue the boa along the tulle knots. Easy enough, right?

At this point the wreath can be finished, but I wanted to add a little more.

I found this on sale for about $1.50. It looks fine as-is, but it was a little too dark and hard to see on the dark wreath...

When in doubt, add some glitter! I added a thin line of silver glitter glue around the edges of the sign.

Brightened it up just enough, but still kept the dark sparkly-ness that's perfect for Halloween! I then attached it to the wreath with some hot glue and fluffed up the feathers around it.

For the hanger, I removed the ribbon off the Beware sign, hot glued it to the back of the wreath and reinforced it with some pins. Perfect!!

I just love this wreath!! So fun for Halloween!