Hoo Are You

Hoooooray! It's Tuesday!
Time for a little

1. Do you sleep with the tv or music on?
Only if my daughter wakes up waaaay too early. Then I shut my bedroom door, turn on some Bubble Guppies and go back to sleep while she sits and jumps on top of me!

2. What is your favorite technology device that you own?
Probably my iMac or laptop

3. Do you shop the ads for groceries?
Sometimes, my husband is better at the deal finding though. He also works at a grocery store, so that always helps to find the great deals.

4. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
Probably my Shape-Ups (Skechers). So comfy! I do love my skater shoes though, they are really cute!

5. Have you done any fun fall activities yet?
We drove up the canyon yesterday to see the changing leaf colors, and had a lot of fun! Planning on lots of fun Halloween activities in the near future! 

Head on over to Night Owl Crafting and join in the fun!

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