Before I start this post, let me be clear: I am a Twilight fan. More like a fan of the books, that is...
The movies are alright, but I hate how they've changed parts of the story and the actors.. well, they aren't who I would have picked... But that still hasn't stopped me from seeing the movies, and I plan on seeing Breaking Dawn this Thursday with my sisters!
Needless to say, this week's Pinteresting Features are in honor of the new movie from the Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn, coming out this week.
So please, Twi-Hards, don't send me hate mail.

{Source: Pin via All Things Cupcake}

{Source: Pin via Celebs icanhascheezburger}

{Source: Pin via Hostess with the Mostess}

Are you going to see Breaking Dawn?

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!
See you next week for more Pinteresting Features n' Shtuff!
Follow my boards if you want. Or not.
You'll still find some pretty sweet things to pin.
And just a little reminder:
Pin from the source.
I'm admittedly a "re-pinner" and have come to find that a lot of pins have been attached to the wrong link, no link AT ALL, or to the main blog address, making it difficult to find the tutorial or original source of the pin. So let's give credit where credit is due, and pin straight from the source.