Towel Wrap

I know it's not summer anymore. In fact, just yesterday it was SNOWING outside my house!! This tutorial may confuse some - because this could be mistaken as a summer project. But, we all know it's nice to have something fashionable to wear after getting out of the shower... right? RIGHT!! {Especially if you're a 22 month old. But then again, sometimes they just like to run nekkid...}

So without further ado,
I'm going to share my tutorial for turning this:

Into this:

This is a very simple project. It probably took me about 2 hours to make it - and that's mostly because I had to chase the little one around to get a measurement, then chase her around again to get the measuring tape back, and to chase her around once more to make sure it was fitting right. So, it really only took about an hour - tops. Super simple, super affordable, and super cute! Can't beat that, right?

What You'll Need:
Towel/Hand Towel*
{on clearance $3}
Wash Cloth*
{on clearance {$1.50}
Sew-On Velcro
{I had this on-hand, but it's really inexpensive}
1 inch wide Elastic
{I got this for $0.50!}

*As far as towel choices go, these size towels fit my 22 month old daughter. When choosing the towel for your own wrap, be sure to check that when it's turned horizontally, it's long enough to cover you {no need to flash anyone!} and will also wrap around you with overlap. Also, a thinner towel will be easier on your sewing machine. You can also purchase terry cloth fabric instead of a towel to guarantee a fit. Straps can be made from scrap towel pieces, a hand towel or wash cloth, extra terry cloth fabric, or even ribbon or cotton fabric.

Alrighty, now that we have all that covered, let's get on with the tutorial!

First, I unpicked the wide seam/edge on the sides (both of the shorter edges) of the towel because it was too thick to fit into the sewing machine. Then I folded it over once and made a new seam that would be easier to work with.
{Depending on your towel, you may not need to add in this step}

With the towel laying horizontally, I folded the top edge down about 2 inches and pinned it down.
{Make sure this is one of the long edges, and not the short edge}

Sew along the folded edge to create a casing for your elastic.
Measure around the chest and cut your elastic an inch or two longer. Attach a safety pin to the edge of your elastic and pull through the casing. Sew about 1/4" from each edge to secure the elastic in place.

To attach your velcro, cut a piece a few inches long. Place the soft side of the velcro on the part of the towel that will be the outside flap so that when you're taking it off, the velcro won't scratch you. I sewed around the velcro a few times to make sure it would stay on.

If you don't want straps, that's fine, too. You would be all done at this point!
My daughter is a wiggly one though, so I wanted to have straps to make sure it stays on.

To make the straps, I cut two 3x12 inch strips from the washcloth. I folded the strips in half and sewed down the length of the strips. Then I turned the straps with a safety pin.

Next, I put the wrap on my daughter and got an idea of where the straps needed to go. If you don't have someone to try it on, you can guess where the straps will go. I ended up putting them on both sides of the velcro in the front, and almost the same area in the back when the towel is folded and laying flat.

Open up the towel and pin the straps in place, about 1/2 - 1 inch down and the seams facing up (so when worn, you won't see them). I sewed a box with an "x" inside of it to make sure they were going to stay secure. You can keep the straps straight, or do like I did and cross them over in the back.

And that's it!!

I love how the crossed straps look and fit her so much better!

Hopefully I've inspired you to try one of these towel wraps for yourself!

They also make a great gift!
{'Tis the season, you know}

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