2011 Year in Review

As 2011 comes to a close, I want to let all of my readers know I am so grateful for you! Whether you subscribe via e-mail, check me out through a reader or just dropped in from Pinterest, thanks for reading! In 2012 I hope to have more great tutorials, craft ideas, recipes and green parenting tips to share. I hope you'll stick around for the fun!

And in keeping with year-end traditions everywhere, I wanted to share with you my 2011 bloggy year in review (as determined by readers!).

Top Five Posts of 2011

Four different styles of garden markers that are easy to make and fun to use in your garden

This syrup is easy to make and delicious! Give it as a gift or use it to make your own ginger ale.

Baby cinnamon rolls are easy to make in minutes using ingredients you probably have in your pantry or fridge.

Upcycle a jar you have on hand to make a travel mug that won't leach toxins into your drinks.

My #1 Most Popular Post of 2011:
A fun gift for a baby shower or just to make you giggle. 

I hope you found something you love that you haven't seen before. Don't forget to pin or stumble projects you love so you can remember to come back later.

Stay safe out there and...

Happy New Year!

Come recap 2011 at these great blog parties:
* Top Projects of 2011 at Southern Hospitality * Favorite DIY Project of 2011 at Addicted to Decorating * Favorite Post of 2011 at Home Stories of A to Z * A Pinteresting Link Party at Tutus and Tea Parties *

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