I recently shared this tutorial over at Six Sister's Stuff as part of their 12 Days of Christmas Traditions, so in case you missed seeing this there, I'm sharing it again with all of you!
One of my favorite traditions is decorating for Christmas. Although it can be a lot of work, I always try to get my Christmas decorations up the day or weekend after Thanksgiving. Last year I decided to change my color scheme from the traditional reds & greens to bright pinks, purples, blues and greens. Other than the tree and an adorable wreath my sister made me {yes, I'm bragging about it AGAIN - I love it!!!}, I don't really have very many Christmas decorations in this color scheme. So, I did some shopping and was able to find all the things I needed to make these fabulous, sparkly, fun Glitter Ribbon Trees - on sale!

What you'll need:
4 styrofoam cones
4 rolls of glitter ribbon
4 wooden candlesticks
4 rolls of glitter ribbon
4 wooden candlesticks
Felt {matching ribbon colors}
Hot glue/glue gun

First, I painted the candlestick holders with a couple coats of silvery white paint. Then I added a coat of silver Extreme Glitter paint over top to give it some glittery goodness! Set aside to dry.

Next, I cut a large and small circle out of felt to fit the bottom and top of the cone.
Hot glue them on.
You can also do this step after wrapping with ribbon. Either way works just fine!

Start by hot gluing the end of the ribbon on the top edge of the cone. I left the ribbon sticking up a little at the top since the angle I was wrapping it showed the top of the cone.
Add a drop of hot glue when you bring the ribbon around the "back" {the back will be where you started your ribbon - see picture above} to keep the ribbon from shifting or coming undone.
Keep wrapping until the cone is covered and glue end down.

Once candlestick is dry, hot glue it to the center of the bottom of the tree.

Stand back and admire your sparkly trees! Super easy, and so cute!