Hoo Are You?

Hoooooray! Night Owl Crafting is back!
Time for a little

1. Is all of your Christmas shopping done?
Mostly... I still have a million things to put together {I do a lot of homemade gifts}, and last night I bought the last BIG thing for my daughter for an incredible deal! SO excited!!

2. Do you decorate for Christmas? And if so, when?
I sure do! I went with a new color scheme last Christmas and didn't have much to work with except my stockings, wreath and tree decorations. So this year I got all crafty and finished more decor! It's been a tradition in my family to decorate the day and/or weekend after Thanksgiving, so I kept that going this year!

My gorgeous wreath my sister made me!! LOVE!!

 My cute tree!!

3. Do you bake during the holiday season?
I love making cookies & pies - but I'm not as fancy as most people. The simpler, the better! I'm getting better though and am trying new recipes. So fun!

4. What are your favorite smells this time of year?
I love all the scented candles (cinnamon, all the different "baking" scents, etc), and I love the scented pine cones  too.... but try hard to avoid the displays in the store. A little too strong!! Same with "Christmas tree" candles - I'm picky about those since the smell is so strong you can almost taste it sometimes.

5. What are your favorite things to do during the holiday season?
I love getting together with family and having all kinds of yummy food and treats. Now that my daughter is a little older, it has been so fun having her help with the tree, seeing the Christmas lights, and I can't wait to see her on Christmas morning!!

I also look forward to designing our Christmas cards every year! :) So fun!

Head on over to Night Owl Crafting and join in the fun!

I also want to give a shout-out to the best husband I could ever ask for:
Happy Anniversary!! Love you mucho!

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