I'm a little jealous of all the amazing mantel displays I've been seeing lately. Sadly, in our apartment we don't have a fireplace or mantel at all to hang our stocking on. So, I improvised!

I found this on clearance for about $.80 - EIGHTY CENTS, people!! Brand new, not thrift store {not that there's anything wrong with the thrift store}. How could you not pass that deal up?! Originally I didn't know what I wanted to do with it, then it clicked - make it our stocking holder!
I'm a little excited about it, if you can't tell...

I love "before" and"after" pictures!

Not that it was ugly "before".
It just didn't match any of our decor and I'm all about a fun makeover.

The knobs are pretty awesome, too.
Even better that I could keep them the way they were...

First, I removed the knobs and painted the entire board white.
It took a couple of coats, but bye-bye, polka dots!

Next, I sprayed it down with some AMAZING silver Krylon glitter paint!
{Seriously, love that paint!}

After letting it dry, I put the knobs back on.

and.... ta-da!! The makeover is complete!!

Then I placed the board on the wall and hung my Christmas stockings!
{Forgive the pathetic-ness that is my Christmas stockings post - it was my first EVER blog post...}