DIY Play Kitchen Reveal!

I have been dreaming this up since November and I am so excited to show you what I think is the biggest and coolest thing I have made. Prehaps ever. May I present to you my...

DIY Play Kitchen!

I wanted to make my own play kitchen for three reasons:
  1. I needed to save money (brand new play kitchens start at $100)
  2. I wanted control over what it was made of so I could use healthier materials
  3. I needed something that wasn't girly
How did I do?
The total cost of my play kitchen was $55.56
Here is the break down of where the money went:

Some of these things I could have admittedly done for less money if I had waited out Freecycle a little longer or had lived in an area where I could cruise town on trash day to pick up some furniture "roadkill."

Want to see more pictures?

Can't get enough? You can also watch a video tour of the kitchen:

If you have been thinking about making a DIY play kitchen of your very own, I will be doing a series over the next couple weeks breaking down each step for you. It will not be an all-out tutorial BUT I promise to try and show you the details of how I made this and hopefully inspire you to strike out on your own to try making your own play kitchen.

How I Did It:
Pin this post to come back and check on later or subscribe by e-mail to get each step sent directly to your inbox. I will link up the individual parts as a post how I did them to the bottom of this post
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I hope to see you back here soon!

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