Valentine Apothecary Jars

*Love* day is sneaking up on us fast!
Have you started decorating for Valentine's day?

Here is a simple decoration I threw together in less than 10 minutes, and for only abut $3 total!

After emptying out my winter apothecary jars, I wanted to decorate them for Valentines Day. So I bought a bag of the chalk-like conversation hearts that no one will eat anyway and poured them into the jar. The bag only filled up one of the jars, and I wasn't about to go buy more... so what to do??


I grabbed two empty toilet paper rolls and put one in the center of each jar. Then, I carefully poured hearts in to cover them up. And voila! The jars look full and no one will ever know... until now, anyway. Then I taped some glittery silver ribbon {the same kind I used for the Magic Santa Key} around the top of the jar to give it some glittery-goodness.

*LOVE* it!!
{more to come on some of the other Valentine decorations soon enough!}

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