Foodie Friday: Sautéing Fish Simplified: Sounds Fishy to me?

artic char
Arctic Char with Roasted Potatoes & White Asparagus

It being the first week of Lent my thoughts turn to fish on Friday. You see in my house growing up Vatican II never happened. My mother continued to says her prays in Latin and we AWAYS ate fish on Friday. 
My grandfather on my mom’s side was from a fishing town outside of Bari, Italy. He only ate fish and a little veal. He found steak repulsive and he thought chickens were dirty. Fish was good and cheap when my mom was growing up in the 1930’s. Times have changed so much, fish back then, was considered the food of the poor. If you didn’t have money you bought or caught your own fish. 
My mom grew up in New Haven, CT you didn’t have to go out very far in a boat to catch tuna or cod. Mussels and oysters could be found on the beach. You can still find shell fish in Long Island Sound, but you would be crazy to eat it, the water is so polluted.  Tuna and cod are harder to find these days in New England. Many species have been over fished.
 If you want to purchase fish responsibly Oceana has a pocket size guide that you can print out and take with you to the fish market. It out lines which fish are OK to purchase and which fish you should avoid because they are either overfished or polluted.
I don’t like broiling fish I find that the top of the fish gets over cooked and the rest is not always cooked enough. I think sautéing, poaching, and steaming are the best way to keep moisture in fish. 
1) Heat oil in a non-stick skillet on medium high.

2) Dry fish with paper towels, salt and pepper it, cover with any dry seasoning now. “Old Bay” seasoning mix works on all fish.
3) Before you put the fish in the pan test that the skillet is very hot, this helps prevent sticking. Put a drop of water in the pan. If it sizzles the pan is OK to cook with.
4) Once you place the fish, do not move it for at least 3-4 minutes. Watch the edges of the fish, make sure it’s not burning. If you move the fish it will stick.
5) After 4 minutes flip over the fish and cook for another 3-4 minutes. If the fish is very thick cover the pan with a lid.
6) Fish is done when it is opaque. It still can be a little pink in the middle because it will continue to cook.
7) I know many recipes say cook fish until it flakes, but trust me. When it flakes it is over cooked because the recipe is not including the fact that it will continue to cook even though it is off of the heat.

8) Let fish rest for 3 -5 minutes. While the fish is resting you can throw some wine in the skillet (1/2 cup or so) with a tablespoon of butter and some herbs (tarragon or dill always work well with fish) and make a nice reduction to pour over the fish. Just make sure that you simmer the wine and stir it until  most of the water has evaporated, or it starts to look a little thick. If it is not thinking sprinkle a little flour or corn starch into the pan and mix it well.
copyright 2012

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