Homemade Mayonnaise with Egg Whites....step by step

Homemade mayonnaise or mayo can  be made at home in a very simple and quick way with a food processor. Why go for store-brought ones which is loaded with high amounts of preservatives, acids, modified starch and sugars. I use only egg whites while making mayo, totally omit the yolks. My daughter, Nidhi loves mayo so I always stock it up. This sauce can be used as an accompaniment, served on the sides of salads, spread on sandwiches,  or used as dips.

Preparing mayo at home does not involve any cooking, just the careful blending of the various liquids. This can be done by using a balloon whisk, an electric hand whisk, or for less hassle, a blender, mixer or food processor.

Mayonnaise is an emulsion and that is the reason why it can be difficult to make. Mayo is made with egg yolks but since I have this egg yolk fear I make with egg whites. The whites are beaten together and whilst continuously whisking, tiny drops of oil, one at a time are added to the egg whites until the mixture begins to emulsify or in other words, thicken. The important thing is that if the oil is added too quickly, the two liquids will just separate, which is why so much care must be taken. Once the two liquids start to combine and thicken, then the rest of the oil may be added a bit quicker.

I have tried adding rice bran oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, salad oil, olive oil, but not coconut oil. I would recommend sunflower oil, but you can choose your favorite oil. I use mustard cream about 1/2 tsp; you can also use mustard powder or Dijon mustard.

Tip: If you like garlicy flavor, add 1/2 tsp minced garlic.
Egg whites: 2.
Mustard powder/cream: 1/2 tsp.
Pepper powder: 1/2 tsp.
Salt: 3/4 tsp or a little less.
Sugar: 1 tsp.
White vinegar: 1 tsp.
Oil: 3/4 to 1 cup.

In your food processor, put in the egg whites, mustard, pepper powder, salt, sugar, and vinegar.

   Close the lid and give it a blitz.

With the processor running pour the oil from a glass in thin stream.....it should take about a minute or a little longer.

Or until the mayo becomes a thick sauce.

Homemade fresh mayo is ready.

Spread on sandwich, or use it as dips, store in refrigerator.
My 10-year-old son took this video of me making mayo.....the video is very amateurish....but will surely help you to understand the whole mayo making process.

An Update:04/09/2012
Since homemade mayonnaise is uncooked, be sure to use the freshest eggs possible.  Homemade mayonnaise will last three to four days in the refrigerator.

Sharing with Full Plate Thursday.

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