Remember when I said that my Valentine's Clothesline Art could be used for every holiday?
Well, here you go:
Green hearts with GOLD glitter for a fun St. Patrick's Day Clothesline!
Easy peasy.
All you need for this project is:
11"x14" canvas
1.5" heart {or any other}-shaped punch
Paint chips
Mini clothespins
String/twine/etc {I used black embroidery thread}
Gold glitter paint or Mod Podge & Gold glitter

Head to any paint-selling store {I chose WalMart this time} and pick out a bunch of paint chips
{you'll really only use about 3}. The color I chose was Lucky Shamrock by Glidden.
Punch or cut out 16 hearts {or more, if that's how you roll}.
Carefully paint a layer or two of the gold glitter paint on each heart. Don't have gold glitter paint?
You can also paint on some Mod Podge and sprinkle some gold glitter on top! Either way looks great.
While they're drying, tape or glue one end of the string onto the back of the canvas and wrap the thread/string/twine/etc around the canvas until you have four lines across the front and tape or glue the other end of the string on the back.
Now it's time to attach the hearts! Carefully clip the hearts onto the string with the mini clothespins and arrange however you want - crooked or perfect, it's all up to you!

Hope you all have a *LUCKY* St. Patrick's Day!!