Cauliflower/Gobi Paratha....step by step

Cauliflower/Gobi Paratha is one of my family's favorite, and so one of the dish I make often; usually for dinner. Those of you who are regular here knows that I hate complicated cooking, I get turned off if I see lots of ingredients in the recipe, for me cooking should be easy and fun.... I mean I hate to run around for ingredients that is not available in my pantry.....(Oh yeah I stock up on Indian, Chinese, and Italian seasonings, baking stuffs; I hate to run out of my essentials).

I do not fancy store brought stuffs, and that applies to the basics like wheat flour, rice flour, chilly powder, coriander powder, garam masala etc. I hate to buy wheat flour packed with all the preservatives, why go for it when you can make it at home; our grandmothers and moms were doing why cant it because of our laziness busy schedule??.  I buy wheat from the market, wash and clean it and put it on a strainer for 20 min, then sundry it and give it to the local mill to powder it....and I have fresh, clean, preservative free, toxic free whole wheat flour ready to use...Try it friends.

Now back to the gobi paratha, I am sure most of you have come across gobi paratha in the blog-sphere; wherein you make the gobi masala, take a dough and fill the masala and roll it; this irritates me because however nicely the masala is cocooned in the lemon/ball sized dough, while rolling, it does get cracked, messing my rolling pin and work surface (remember I hate all those kinds of hinderence)  OR it could be a recipe which asks you to forget all this messy stuff, just roll two rotis and put the filling in it and press the and I think cool!

What I do is a lot easier than the above two you think super cool GREAT!!. Ok guys, lets get some cooking.

Whole wheat flour: About 2 cups.
Medium sized Cauliflower: 1.
Sunflower oil: 2 tsp.
Jeera/Cumin: 3/4 tsp.
Kashmiri chilly powder: 1 tsp (I make my own chilly powder, and it is less spicy).
A fat pinch of turmeric.
Salt and water as needed.
Some chopped coriander/cilantro leaves.

How I make it:
Wash and clean the cauliflower and cut them, discard the big stem.

Put these pretty ladies into your food processor.

And give it a pulse. So easy na, I love my food processor. BTW if you don't have one do not leave from here :) you can simply grate the cauliflower or mince them or chop them really fine.

Heat 2 tsp of oil in a kadai/pan and when the oil is hot, put in the jeera/cumin seeds and let it splutter away. Switch off fire...count to 25....put in red chilly powder, turmeric and give it a mix (if the oil is too hot the chilly powder will get burnt).

Again switch on the fire and put in minced cauliflower. Add salt and mix well

Pour little water into the food processor and give it a swirl and then pour the water into the pan. Mix, cover and cook.

When it is cooked nicely, put in the chopped coriander leaves....I love them fresh.....Allow it to cool completely. You can make this a day before also.

Put about 2 cups of fresh preservative free, toxic free, whole wheat flour into it. Do not add water now, there will be little bit of moisture in the masala, so just mix with your hand, see the crumbled effect.

Now add little water (as needed) and knead it into a dough

Make it into lemon sized balls and roll them out. See I told you no messy work surface or rolling pin.

Heat an iron tawa and put the roti on it. No mess on the tawa too...

Flip to the other side when cooked.

Ok now you have almost fat free (just 2 tsp of oil remember) butter-less, ghee-less paratha ready to devour without any GUILT. (No Cholesterol,  Diabetic and Diet Friendly Gobi Paratha)

Now for SINNERS: Like you and me! its fine to indulge once in a while.

Drizzle a tsp of ghee/clarified butter.

Spread it.

When cooked, flip the other side....drizzle another tsp of ghee...this for SINNERS like you and me. ha ha .

Enjoy with curd/yogurt, pickles, raita....

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