Ultimate Blog Party 2012

5 Minutes for Mom is having their Sixth Annual Ultimate Blog Party!
The Ultimate Blog Party is a giant blog hop, and a great place to make new friends. Can't say no to that!

So, whether you're here visiting from the party or have been following for a while,
Welcome to Artsy-Fartsy Mama!

I'm Lindsay, the Artsy-Fartsy Mama!
I'm a wife to an amazing man, mama to the best daughter ever, a graphic designer, and love all things crafty. When I'm not blogging, you can find me working with my design business, Happy Potamus Designs.
I also love watching reality TV, drinking Mountain Dew and finding ways to DIY on a small budget.

Here at Artsy-Fartsy Mama you'll find a little of everything:

and much more!

I also love featuring other blogs and ideas that I find through Pinterest. Every Sunday you can see new features and get some creative "pin"spiration at my "Pinteresting Features & Shtuff Sunday"!

Thanks for stopping by!
Check out my tutorials tab or archives in the sidebar to see more of what I love to do!

If you have any questions, comments or want to participate in advertising, feel free to contact me here.
I'd also love to see you around FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest!

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