curd upma /Perugupindi

Dahi  upma(curd upma)  is made with raw rice and Sour curd. It is a simple break fast recipe. This upma is an authentic recipe. Rice with Curd ,which gives some pulippu taste to upma, makes the upma so tasty. Whenever  we have left over sour  curd, i will ask my grand mother to make this upma. it takes some time to stir. but taste will be awesome.

Raw Rice - 1 cup.
channa Dal - 1 tbsp.
coconut - 1/4 cup.
Green chillies - 5.
Sour curd - 3/4 cup.
salt -to taste


  • Soak Raw Rice and channa dal seperately for 5 hrs or overnight.
  • To the Soaked Rice add Green chillies,coconut,salt and grind the content by adding curd little by little  to prepare the batter.( The consistency should be moderate,Not too thinner or thicker).
  • Add the soaked chana dal to the batter.

  • Heat the oil add mustard seeds , when it crackles, add the batter.
  • Stir the batter, till it becomes the thick dough as shown in the picture.
  • keep the flame to medium low. Then cook it , covered  it with the lid. 
  • stir for every few min till the batter is well cooked.
  • Dough  should be cooked until ,it is  is not sticky to takes nearly 25 minutes to cook with medium low cooking .
  • Now curd upma is ready.

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