Thank you Adelina from Home Maid Simple for giving me this Liebster Award. All bloggers work much harder than anyone would guess, and I appreciate the recognition.
I would like to share this award with the following blogs:
Katie Kate's Kitchen for her eclectic collection of healthy recipes.
Meatless Mediterranean to Mary for her commitment to the healthiest of foods from Southern Europe.
Baking with Blonde for her ability to search out the most interesting recipes.
Sweet Little Bluebird who I just found and Mary's site is filled with fresh healthy salads and light cooking ideas.
Ruth's Real Food and her commitment to eating and teaching people about how to prepare whole foods.
So here are the instructions for receiving a the Liebster Award:
1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
2. You must link back to the blogger who presented the award to you.
3. Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs you think deserve some recognition. Remember they have to have 200 followers or less when presented with a Liebster!
5. Make sure you let the bloggers you nominated know they have a Liebster! Leave a comment on their blog, DM on twitter, Facebook post--however you normally get in contact with them!