With peach season in full swing here in Utah, I wanted to share this wonderful recipe for Spiced Peach Jam. It's actually my husband's grandmother's recipe that I recently got permission from her to share with you all. Thanks Nana!

Have you ever noticed I don't purchase store bought jam? I've been making this jam for several years now and no one in our family can get enough of it. Each year, the list of everyone in the family who wants a jar grows longer! Not only is it absolutely delicious, but using the inversion method of canning, you can seal your jars in 1 simple step and stack them in your pantry to use over the next 12-18 months.

I've played with this recipe a bit and I encourage you to add the spices according to your liking. The directions I have listed below is our favorite way of preparing it, but if you want a more dominant peach flavor, halve the spices.

I've detailed out the basic way to make jam. Be sure to read the directions on your box of pectin though as different varieties call for small changes to the amount of sugar, time to boil the jam, etc. I've also used the low sugar variety of pectin with this recipe and love it.

Nana's Spiced Peach Jam

4 cups fresh finely chopped peaches {I pulse mine on low in a small food processor- you want fine chunks, not puree}
1/4 cup lemon juice
5.5- 6 cups sugar {different pectins vary}
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/8 teaspoon ground cloves
1 box Pectin
3 pint-sized canning jars, or 6 half-pint jars

Peel, pit and slice peaches as detailed here. Chop peaches using a small food processor or blender. Be sure to aim for small bits of peaches, as opposed to puree.

Begin heating a large pot on the stove on medium.  Stir the lemon juice, pectin and spices into peaches. Pour into pot on stove. Over medium-high heat, bring jam to a hard boil, meaning that it continues to boil quickly even while stirring. This takes around 20 minutes.

As the jam heats up, measure out your sugar in a separate bowl.

You'll also want to get your jars ready. They need to be sanitized and warm when you ladle the jam in, so you can prepare them in a couple different ways. You can put them in the dishwasher on "Sanitize." Or you can simply boil a pot of water and while the jam heats up, put jars in and leave them for 3-5 minutes, then dry them on a clean towel. I stand in front of the stove and prepare my jars this way, stirring the jam periodically.

Once jam is brought to a hard boil, add the sugar, all at once, stirring while you pour it in. Continue on medium-high heat until the jam is back to a full, rolling boil. Boil for 1-4 minutes. {Be sure to read the exact amount of time on the pectin instructions for cooked peach jam.} My jam usually ends up boiling a couple minutes over this time and mine has always turned out beautifully!

Ladle hot jam into jars using a funnel. Leave as little space on top as you can, without overflowing it. Place lid and ring on jar, securing both well.

Immediately turn the entire jar upside down. This is called the inversion method of canning and it's perfect for jam. This inversion seals the lid and will enable you to not have to refrigerate the jam until the seal is broken. I've had jars of jam in my pantry sealed well for 12-18 months using this method.

After 24 hours, right the jar and voila! Beautiful, delicious spiced peach jam for your family to enjoy!

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