I know what you all need to brighten up your Friday afternoon- rich, delicious BROWNIES. Am I right or what? Is it just me?!
For whatever reason I've been in a funk this week. I can't seem to shake that blah feeling. I'm craving a nap outside in the sunshine and what do I get? No nap, whiny kids and snow forecasted for Monday. Figures.
I have big plans to crank up some fun music and make something tasty in the kitchen. That always seems to make me feel better. Bonus points for my husband coming home and cleaning the kitchen after I'm done. {hint, hint!}
I got this recipe from Laura of Real Mom Kitchen. Her cookbook is full of easy recipes for favorites and this recipe for brownies fits the bill perfectly. They're rich, dense, chocolaty and easy to throw together. I also like them because they're pretty. It seems like brownies-from-a-box never come out of the pan well and look like a giant mess. These taste delicious and look great too, what more could you ask for?! Oh right, a nap. And 80-degree weather...