How to Pin Things to Pinterest from Your iPhone

I know I'm not the only person who has been cruising the internet on my iPhone - on facebook, in the pinterest browser through a link on twitter - and then wished I had a way to pin the page I was looking at right there on my phone. Previously, if I liked something enough, I would press the e-mail link button and e-mail it to myself to pin later from a computer. Anyone else? Well no more!

...because Pinterest has developed a way to pin things right in Safari on your iPhone!

I know. I had no idea either. The process is actually really simple but can be a little intimidating. So I'm here to show you how easy-peasy it is and help you install your own little pinmarklet on your phone...just like the one you have on your computer.

What You'll Need
Your iPhone
An internet connection (wifi or 3g doesn't matter)
You will also need to make sure that you the Pinterest ap installed on your iphone already
(It's important to know that this tutorial only applies to using a Pinterest bookmark on an iPhone using the Safari browser.)

How to Do it:
Step 1: Get to your profile page
Launch the Pinterest ap on your iPhone. Tap the profile button in the lower right hand corner to go to your profile page.

Step 2: Pull up the instructions
Tap the "Account" button in the upper left corner. This will pull up the menu on the right. Tap the "Install Bookmarklet" button. This will launch the instructions in Safari.
UPDATE: I've heard from several users that in some versions of the Pinterest ap, the Install Bookmarklet button is not there. If you find this to be the case for you, navigate your phone to this page in Safari by e-mailing the link to yourself or getting your phone onto this blog post and then clicking.

Step 3: Install the Bookmarklet
From the instructions screen (left), tap the middle icon on the toolbar. From the menu that pops up (right), tap the "Add Bookmark" button.

On the Add Bookmark screen that comes up (left), tap the "Save" button. Once you press save, it will kick you back to the instructions screen (right). 

Scroll down to step 2 which includes a large text box. Tap in the text box once to put your cursor there. Tap (again) and hold your finger for 1 second before releasing. This will bring up the Select/Select All/Paste options. Tap "Select All."

This will select the text (the blue highlighted section) and bring up the Cut/Copy/Paste/Suggest... menu. Tap "Copy". Now tap "Done" to hide the keyboard.

Back on the instructions page (left) tap the bookmarks button that looks like a book. On the bookmarks screen that comes up (right) tap the edit button in the lower left corner.

Scroll down your bookmarks list (left) to find the "Pin It" button. Tap on the words "Pin It". This will bring you to a place where you can edit the bookmark (right). Tap in the address field (pink arrow). Tap the X to delete the text from that line.

When the address field is empty, it says "address" in it (left). Tap where it says "Address" to put your cursor on the line. This will make a little "Paste" option pop up (right). Tap "Paste".

Once the address is pasted, tap "Done".

Congratulations! You just installed your bookmarklet! Let the mobile pinning commence!

How to Use Your Bookmarklet

Step 1: Go to a website
Any website you'd want to pin will do.  This is a picture of my Fried Squash Blossoms post.

Step 2: Use the Bookmark
From the page you'd like to pin (remember: just like on the web, make sure you are in the page for the post you want to pin, not the homepage of a blog), press the bookmark button at the bottom that looks like a book (left). Inside the bookmarks menu, tap the "Pin It" bookmark.

Just like Pinterest on your computer, it will bring up a page with lots of picture options from the page you were on (left). Pick the one you want to pin. This will bring you to a page (right) just like the Pinterest pop up on your computer. Name your pin if you don't like the auto name and choose a board to pin to. Choose Twitter or Facebook options and then press "Pin It" when you're done.


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