Milk & Honey restaurant review
A couple little factoids about me: 1) I grew up all over the country (moving 30+ times by the time I was in college), and 2) one of my most favorite things to do in the whole world is to travel. If you say a location, chances are I can spout out something I ate there, or a place I’ve heard is just fabulous!

I spent my high school years in northeastern Ohio, and one of my favorite things to do when we go back and visit is… eat. Oh, food. There’s probably nothing award-winning/magazine-worthy about many of the places I love, but those places are what we seem to adjust our travel schedule around! They just fill me with sentiment, delight, and a whole lot of salivating. 

Just a few weeks ago I was in Ohio and went to one of my favorite spots- Milk & Honey- it’s one of those old-fashioned, been there for ages, family-run, website-free, quaint little dives. In high school I went there every summer day with my best friends (hey, a baby ice cream cone was a whopping $0.90- talk about good marketing!), and 20 years before I ate there, so did my mom with her friends… you know those places, right? 

Well, what are they for you? 

What places do you recommend to others? 

What eateries remind you of childhood and all-around good times? 

Are there just places you crave, even though you may not be close-by? 


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