Earlier this summer my little family went to the Blue Plate Diner- it’s been on my “must try” list since we moved to Salt Lake, oh, 4 years ago. Better late than never, right!? 

It was a lot quieter than I expected for a Saturday night (then again, with a 2-year-old, we probably eat earlier than most). I’m a patio diner, and if I have a say, and the weather is right, it’s alfresco all the way- so outside we went! 

On most occasions, we share meals, but feeling rather famished (and after a 4-year wait), we opted for our own food- Mike ordered a Chicken Verde Burrito, and I had French Toast (Elle ate catsup. And… probably cheese & beans from the Burrito… and dessert I’m sure. So healthy).

Burrito? Good- but spicy. Way spicier than anticipated. 

French Toast? Excellent! 

For dessert we ordered a chocolate malt- I consider myself a sort of malt connoisseur. When I say this was a tasty malt, it was a tasty malt! My only complaint? I didn’t get the silver cup- you know the one it’s mixed in? Keeps it cold? It happens to be my favorite part of any malt. It was a sad wrinkle in the otherwise delightful dessert. 

Overall thoughts: The Diner was a little tiny and it seemed kind of over-priced. The atmosphere in Sugarhouse is great- part of the added bonus to eating outside is enjoying people watching, dog-watching (I swear there is a higher than normal number of dogs in Sugarhouse), casual artists, and random music abounds (where does it come from? I’m so baffled). If you’re around? It’s totally worth a visit! Especially if you’re in the mood for a malt:)

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