Yep. I said it. CHRISTMAS... it's on the way, people! I usually make a goal to be ready for Christmas by October, so that also includes doing a few Christmas crafts. Please tell me I'm not the only one...
This is what I came up with:

It's simple, but I love it!! Can't wait for December to get here so I can display it with all my other Christmas decorations! The sparkly & reflective vinyl are awesome!
What I used to put my Christmas plate together:

15" Wood Plate
Green Glitter Vinyl
Silver Vinyl

I loved the color and distressing the wooden plate already had, so I left it as-is.
I cut the pieces of vinyl with the Silhouette to make a peppermint spiral.

First, I applied the green glitter vinyl and smoothed out with a vinyl scraper.
I added the smaller silver vinyl pieces next and made sure they were all spaced evenly. The vinyl was easy to work with and I liked how I could adjust the vinyl pieces without a problem. {Because let's face it - I never do things right the first time!!}

However, I didn't really like how the pieces went up on the plate around the edge...
So, I took an Xacto knife to them all. Problem solved!

I love how it looks! One less thing I need to get done in December.