Guest Post {Quilted Euphoria}

Hello all you Artsy-Fartsy Mama readers! My name is Amber and I am so beyond thrilled to be hijacking Lindsay's blog for the day.

I'm the evil genius behind the Quilted Euphoria blog. Don't let the name fool ya, I've got much more on my blog than just quilts! I like to confuse my readers with a touch of everything. Quilting, crafts, recipes, random thoughts, pictures, funnies...just about everything.

Today I decided to cannibalize a tutorial that I wrote last fall season and share it with you guys today. Now if you ask me why you don't get a fresh new tutorial that no one has ever seen before, I'll laugh at you...this is just how I roll. :-)

This project is fun, fast, CHEAP and so easy that even the crafty challenged person that I am was able to make it look cute. So read on for more info!

Today I'm going to share with you how to make these awesome leaves for yourselves!

To start off, pick some colors of felt that you feel will represent your theme and personality well. I went with some standard colors for fall, but if you like hot pink and neon orange, go for it! I found my sheets of felt at Hobby Lobby for about 20cents each. Score!

{I love the sparkly ones the best!}
I then found some templates for leaves on the internet and printed them off onto some card stock. Cut these out and lay them out on your sheet of felt.

Trace around your leaves with a marker to make the form of the leaf.

I am kind of anal about using up all the space, so I tried to fit as many leaves onto the felt as I could. If your leaves are bigger, you will likely use up more felt.

At this point you can draw on the leaves some stems and other lines to make them look more real. Or you can just leave them blank, it's just a personal choice. I liked the look with the veins so I drew them in with a sharpie. {The original plan was to use some embroidery floss and stitch the veins on. Then I realized how long that would take, became super lazy, super cool and just used the sharpie to draw them on! Worked just as well and went faster!}

Use some super sharp scissors and cut out your leaf shapes from the felt.

{How pretty!}

Next use some twine or thread and string the leaves onto it with a needle. {If the felt is too stiff, just work the needle around a little to create a bigger hole and the needle should slip right through.}

At this point you can decide whether you're going to hang your leaves individually, or make them into a fun garland.

As you're stringing the leaves on make sure to tie a little knot at the top of each one to keep them from sliding off the twine {Or down the garland if that's what you're doing} Cut the twine apart in 6 inch intervals to make your hangers for the leaves. {longer for longer falling leaves, shorter for shorter, etc etc.}

And when you're done you'll have a batch of felt fall leaves that look something like this! You can mix and match your patterns and colors for the leaves and have a combination that pleases you! I did three different patters on six different colors and had lots flexibility in my arrangement.

Using a bit of tape, secure your leaves to the ceiling varying the lengths of the strings to make the leaves "fall"!

And that's it! It's such a fun fast project that I haven't stopped making leaves! I've made three garlands and tons to hang on the ceiling! {I think my husband is about fed up with felt by now!}

Thanks so much Lindsay for letting me hijack your blog and kidnap your readers! I hope to see you guys around my blog soon, I love making new friends!

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