Journey of a Food blogger.

Today I am taking a break from recipes a small deviation from my cooking to give you  some of the knowledge that I have gained through blogging for the last two years.

This journey which started on a whim one afternoon, summer of 2010 was actually to store and share some of my favorite recipes. Friends have been asking recipes and I started sending them through email. And one fine afternoon I stumbled on blogger and the rest is history. The very first post is my favorite chocolate recipe which was popular among my friends and relatives...little did I know that I am stumbling into the big world of blogging.

Blogging has become an addictive hobby and a place to share my passion for cooking. I was overjoyed when I got the first comment and then slowly without myself realizing my blog started to grow. For me cooking should be easy and fun, I cannot digest long list of ingredients in a recipe, so I try to make my cooking as easy as possible for my readers and mantra is cooking is EASY!

I have come to know a lot of people through this blog, Prathima, Aparna, Sharmi, Priya, Jay, Biny, Faseela, Shabs Binu, Radhika, Akila, Deepa, Tina..... and I have to mention Dassana, when I came to know that she was a web developer I wrote to her a few of my doubts and she replied back with tons of information....half of it I still have to the word "optimize your meta tag" and a lot more . Unknown persons suddenly becomes your friend....and try to help...that  connection is because we all share the same passion.

Initally when I started I did not know about picassa, (remember I graduated from college long before IT revolution) I used to upload each and every picture from my computer to blog.....that was time consuming. Then I found out about picasa and was happy that I could edit them after I upload them from my cam and even upload them to my blog from picasa...yes that was great!. You can download Google picasa from here. I did have some hiccups with picasa; like once when I saw too many of the already uploaded pictures, I thought why not delete some pics and save the space on picasa after all the pics that I needed are already uploaded in the blog and I promptly deleted some many of them....the result was that all the pictures automatically was deleted from the blog was a hard lesson for me....imagine my patience....finally again I uploaded them back to its place...whew!

I thought after 1 year of blogging that, I have learned everything, but the truth is even now after 2.5 years of blogging I am learning something new each and everyday, some of you might have helped me in this travel; I thank each and everyone who has helped me in some way or the other.

If you have learned something new please share with me.......
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