Settebello Pizzeria Salt Lake City Review

Our family was driving through downtown Salt Lake City last weekend around lunchtime and we opted to stop and grab some pizza. We love pizza! Siri told us there were about a bajillion pizza places close by but I swear one of the little blue dots on the screen was beckoning to me. I tapped it and lo and behold, Settebello  Pizzeria was highlighted, in bold with tiny little fire works flashing on the screen. Ok, not really but the minute I saw that it was close by, I was super excited as I've heard so much about it and couldn't wait to try it.

In we walked with our clan of 4 kidlets and the place was... empty! No worries, we were a bit early for the lunch crowd on a Saturday, so we had a chance to look around a bit while they seated us.

Settebello Pizzeria Salt Lake City Review

I grew even more excited when I saw this guy working with fresh dough. Do you see the pile of wood to his right? That's right, Settebello cooks their pizzas in an authentic wood burning oven. {See the ovens behind him? Aren't they beautiful?!} Needless to say the place smelled heavenly.

We perused the menu and at first I worried a tad over a few things. First were the prices. The pizzas seemed small as they were described as personal pizzas and the least expensive option was $10. Hmmm...we have a family of 6 and my boys are big eaters. {Don't let their size fool you- they can pack it in. Actually, we all can for that matter! Bring on the food!} Next I worried about the toppings. No combination or Hawaiian pizza at Settebello, instead they offer more authentic toppings like finnochiona (peppered salame), sauteed fennel and roasted pine nuts. My husband gave me The Look... you know, the "you chose this place, now find me something to eat" look. I'm definitely more adventurous when it comes to food and was salivating. He wasn't. Thank heavens most of the kids can't read. I'm having them put fennel on your pizza and there's nothing you can do about it! I worried too about the size. How many pizzas would we have to buy to fill us up? {which in turn circled me back to worry #1...}

Settebello Pizzeria Salt Lake City Review
Here we are sans Mama... waiting for pizza
I pushed my worries aside and when the waiter came to take our order, we decided to have him surprise us. Ha! No really, we asked him to bring us two of their most popular pizzas, which turned out to be a Settebello {Crushed Tomatoes, Pancetta, Wood Oven Sausage, Roasted Mushrooms, Toasted Pine Nuts, Mozzarella, Basil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil}  and a traditional Margherita {Crushed Tomatoes, Mozzarella, Basil, Parmigiano Reggiano, Extra Virgin Olive Oil.} We did have him hold the basil on the Margherita so it could closely resemble a cheese pizza.

Settebello Pizzeria Salt Lake City Review
Settebello Pizza- YUM
The pizza arrived very quickly after we ordered, which was great as our kids were about to eat the napkins and gnaw on the table legs. Later I read that the dough takes only about a minute to cook in that fancy wood burning oven.  Everything looked amazing and I couldn't wait to dig in!

One bite of the Settebello and I quite literally died. It was the most delicious pizza I've ever tasted. No exaggeration there- and I've had some pretty amazing pizza. The flavors were incredible- the sausage was amazing and the pine nuts were a lovely complement. The pizza was very thin and it really made the flavors of the toppings stand out. What I wasn't expecting was how much I'd enjoy eating even the crust! Sure, I realize it was made with fresh dough, but truthfully, that's not a real uncommon thing anymore. What got me was how soft and flavorful the dough was. Even the non-crust eaters in our family devoured it! It was so soft I gave a piece to my 10 month old baby girl and she happily ate the whole thing.

Settebello Pizzeria Salt Lake City Review

The pizzas were larger than I thought they'd be. We all ate our fill and had 2 slices left over. {I ate them the next day and no joke, had a moment of silence when they were gone.} The kids commented that the pizza looked different than they were used to, but after a few bites in they enthusiastically told us how good it was and ate the entire pie.

Overall, I deem lunch a success. It was no more expensive than any other pizza place we frequented and the taste was far superior. Way to go Settebello on making some incredible pizza. I honestly can't wait to go back!

Settebello has 2 locations in Utah, one in Pasadena, CA and another in Las Vegas. If you're close by, you have to stop by and try it out!

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. We paid for our own meal. All opinions are 100% mine.

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