Have you ever eaten something and told the person who gave it to you, "Woah! This is so good! Best ever!" Oh, and then realized the thing they served you came from a box? It's really awkward. It happened once when I told my Sicilian grandma that was the best pizza crust she'd ever made... and found out she used pre-made dough to save time. That didn't go over well.

Keeping with my own awkwardness, I did the same thing to my parents the other week. 
This time it was with chocolate chip cookies from a bag. "Wow, these cookies are amazing! Is this the same recipe you always use!?" 
(*Insert goofy grin by my mother.*)
She handed me an extra bag, "Here. You should whip some up!" :)
*Now insert foot in mouth.* Amanda rocks!

Let me share (this is not sponsored, just enjoyed by lazy me):
The mix costs, like, $1. 
They take a whopping 4 minutes to make.
You only need to add butter!!! 
My toddler can actually make them while I try and make dinner. 
Ha! Genius! 

PS- I added some raw sugar before serving. It gives the illusion they're homemade. I'm all about illusions:)

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