Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread

My youngest son is a die-hard chocolate lover. He adores it and when he gets the chance, he requests it for everything. I'm sure if chocolate coated meatballs was offered, he'd be all over that. But it's not. Cause it sounds gross. Now chocolate pancakes, that I could work with! 

This is my go-to fluffy pancake recipe, altered for the cocoa addition. Now before you go running for a gallon of milk, know that these pancakes are really not overly sweet like you'd think! I did add honey to counteract the bitter taste of the cocoa. What adds the over-the-top sweetness are the pancake toppings! Now, when I took these photos, it was my chocolate lover's birthday. So I was a bit more lenient than I normally would have been, had it been an average school day. Birthdays call for special toppings, like Raspberry Kodiak syrup and whipped cream! On normal days, why, you could top these with a drizzle of syrup and fresh fruit and they'd be amazing. I mean, c'mon, they're chocolate pancakes. 

Chocolate Pancakes

1 cup flour
2 TBSP brown sugar
2 TBSP honey
2 TBSP baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 TBSP vegetable oil
2-3 TBSP cocoa powder
2 TBSP mini chocolate chips {optional necessary}

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Let sit while the griddle is warming.

Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread

Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread
Batter will begin to bubble as it sits. This is GOOD! It makes for fluffy pancakes! 
Warm griddle on medium heat for about 3-5 minutes. Lightly oil and drop about 1/4 cup of pancake batter to form each pancake. Flip when bubbles begin to form on top. Cook an additional 2-3 minutes.

Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread

Serve with butter and syrup, jam, or Raspberry Kodiak syrup for a special treat! Top with berries and voila- chocolate pancakes for breakfast!

Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread
Find it at Costco and buy as many bottles as you can! It's AMAZING! 
Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread

Chocolate Pancakes, Butter with a Side of Bread


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