My daughter's Halloween costume is finally finished!! I am She is so excited to show it off!

Obviously, she is going to be Little Red Riding Hood this year. She also likes to tell everyone we see {including the employees at every store we go to} that "mama is going to be grandma, and daddy is going to be THE BIG, BAD WOLF"! {She says the "big bad wolf" part very convincingly.} We're going to have to get a little more creative for those costumes!

The dress was made with the Chloe dress pattern from Whimsy Couture.
I used red gingham fabric, red polka dot fabric, and basic white for the ruffle, straps and bottoms of the skirts.
I love that pattern, it's so doable {that means a lot coming from me!}, and I love how versatile it is.
You can see my summer dress version here.

We made the hooded cape using McCall's cape pattern {number M2854} and used a basic red cotton fabric.
The basket was found at the thrift store. All we needed was a white shirt, tights and Grandma bought her some "parkly" red shoes to complete the outfit! Tied in some red ribbon in her hair, and now she's good to go!

This picture is one of my favorites. She looks more mischievous than the wolf!!