Quick and easy Ladies Finger Chips - Vendakka varuval - Okra chips

Ladies finger is a powerhouse containing vitamins A, B6 & C, folic acid and even protein. Lady finger is a good source of nutrition for sick people with diabetes, asthma, allergies, ulcers, cancer, etc. It is good for expecting mothers, for detoxification, and is even said to be an aphrodisiac.Now we prepare a quick  chips using ladies finger.


Ladies Finger - 200 gms.
Salt -for taste.
oil - to deep fry.
chilli powder - 1 tsp.


  • Select the Smaller size ladies finger.
  • Wash and Cut the Ladies finger (vendakka) into round slices as shown in the figure.[cut and discard the crown]
  • Spread it in a clean kitchen  towel for 5 to 6 hours, so that sticky property will  go off.This is the important step in preparing this chip.
  • Take a Heavy bottomed pan,add oil as needed.
  • When oil is hot, keep it in a medium flame, then deep fry the ladies finger till it turns golden brown and crispy.(it should maintain its crunchiness).
  • Now place a fried ladies finger in a container, add 1 tsp of chilli powder and salt , then  shake it for a while, salt and chilli powder will get evenly spread in chips.
  • Now chips is ready.
  • You can store it in air tight container and have for a week.
  • It will be a very good accomplishment for rice varieties.

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